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The Rotaract club of The Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, the first of its kind amongst other National Medical faculties , is a calling for enthusiasts, believers, thinkers and visionaries for It is a plethora of opportunities of every avenue imaginable to develop personal & professional skills where sky is the limit .


It’s unique in its provision of a safe space for one to experiment , falter and grow all the while channeling members’ pent up potentials and creative energy in to community service, thus feeding in to the Rotaract motto; fellowship through service.


The club goes one step beyond just personal development and nurtures strong bonds within the club and between clubs across the nation and even the globe , metamorphing the organization in to more of a family of staggering diversity than a mere club for community service.

Most importantly, the club makes allowance for fun and recreation to rejuvenate and rekindle that spark that academic and life stresses might doll out. Having said that , business and pleasure more often than not are an inseparable amalgam in most of Rotaract projects.

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